pi does not exist.


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
currently trying to solve pi, cant find the most simple basic equation on how to get the results 3.14159...(infinity)

One thing i do know for certain;

You can not multiply any two numbers and get a number that leads to infinity

the only way you're going to get a number that leads to infinity is if you divide numbers by each other

10 divided by 3 3.3333333333333 infinity BUT repeats itself

pi leads to infinity but does not repeat itself

what never stops dividing but never stops producing new numbers / expanding

divides and expands?

if energy can not be created or destroyed and the universe is infinite how much does the universe weigh?

post answers here when ready.


Staff member
Feb 4, 2009
Pfft, your first mistake is using pi instead of tau--the more natural way to work with radians.

Second, pi is not infinite. It is infinitely granular (as far as we know; this may change). Just like if you measure a board that is 10cm long, if you were to zoom in and get a more precise measurement it might actually be 10.01cm long. Repeat that and it might be 10.009cm long. You can repeat that infinitely for higher precision.


Will give gumjob for meth
Feb 2, 2009
Trailer park
Pi does not exist, because I ate it. What can I say, I'm a sucker for pecan pi.
Even though you ate it, I'd bet you have a recipe and can make another one any time you feel like it. So it kind of still exists.

Get yo' bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pi.


Feb 2, 2009
currently trying to solve pi, cant find the most simple basic equation on how to get the results 3.14159...(infinity)

One thing i do know for certain;

You can not multiply any two numbers and get a number that leads to infinity

the only way you're going to get a number that leads to infinity is if you divide numbers by each other

10 divided by 3 3.3333333333333 infinity BUT repeats itself

pi leads to infinity but does not repeat itself

what never stops dividing but never stops producing new numbers / expanding

divides and expands?

if energy can not be created or destroyed and the universe is infinite how much does the universe weigh?

post answers here when ready.

so this is what it's like to drop out of highschool


Real meat/protein eating cis male
Nov 26, 2006
On a ventilator
The universe has no beginning and no end. For there to be a beginning, one would have to assume there was nothing before it. We know this is an impossibility. Absolute nothingness is incapable of production or change, because it lacks the ability. Therefore, a precise beginning in terms of what many perceive it to be (including many scientists, amazingly) simply isn't possible.

The universe simply is, always has been and always will be. It's hard to comprehend eternity, but the flaws associated with "a beginning" are evident and elementary.


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
Numbers are actually representations of things in the universe basically numbers don't exist unless they have a reference point objects etc. So when you divide an object you are breaking it into smaller pieces that's the way to infinity I can put up with equations that repeat itself but when you produce new numbers to infinity keyword new but divide as well then that's bullshit impossible nothing divides and expands so the first number in Pi is a symbol representing what?


New Member
Jan 13, 2017
Yes, Pi does not exist

In base 10, 10 divided by 3 = 3.333 repeats itself.

In base 12, 10 divided by 3 = 3.4 does not repeat itself.

pi is ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, a circle is defined as a polygon with an impossible infinite number of sides, therefore real circles don't exist, therefore pi can not really exist.

The universe is not infinite, infinity is an imaginary concept not based on reality.

Weight is relative, the strength of the pull of gravity, of a object on another object. So the whole universe does not have weight, its got mass though.