Guys, I'm pretty sure Whocares was taken out by the NSA or lizard people.
Nooo... I mean, nooo... think about it. George W. Bush made the world respect amurikah... now the world sees the USA as a stupid nation: like the big boy that could beat up all the other guys but he is actually very clumsy and idiotic to do so, so he's treated like a big dork...
When Bush was president amurikahhh was the bully nation that everyone was scared of... yes, like the big bully that everyone talks shit about behind his back; but when he's around, he is respected and everyone obeys him despite the hate the others have on him.
The USA needs a conservative president again. A right wing conservative that is. Not a sissy one that just thinks about the Bible.
P.D. Also, Bush provided the world with teh funniezz as well.