Devastation the Almighty
Ninja Wizard
Matt's been going for Eagle Scout for 15 years now.Help a healthy young man or an old geezer in the last years of his life? Duh...

Matt's been going for Eagle Scout for 15 years now.Help a healthy young man or an old geezer in the last years of his life? Duh...
Who are you again?When are you fucks going to give me something? I go through way more shit than KS does, probably something about him being likeable and what not though huh.
Douche .ive noticed ath everyone is really mad on this forum we need a chill section too it seems like being old neckbeard usless job married to a fat ugly wife i get it you guys are mad but dont come onto the forum and projects your anger like we are some clinic to help your anger managemtn honeslty if your angry get off the forum go outside and take some breathing exercises instead of calling me names and harrassing me and following me calling me names that really make me mad
huh what? calling me an iron your gay but thats stating obvious why dont you chalupa lord devastation and big matt meet me in a motel for a meetup so we can handle this/ four on one i pretty sure i can handle the lot of you
Excellent bullet point but you got the names all mixed up.soe more suggestions i thought of all day
3) if you have chilren you need to leave seriously imagine if your 7 year old son was looking at your computer browsing for some toys and he comes across the forum and sees the stuf like chlaupa is posting like 'im gonna rape you' or brittneyanne like 'i like to sleep wth many men' or kevinsmith 'nefarious you ened a good spanking on your behind lemme spank you' really sad and perverted forum too many cuss words too for the chilren!!!
soe more suggestions i thought of all day
3) if you have chilren you need to leave seriously imagine if your 7 year old son was looking at your computer browsing for some toys and he comes across the forum and sees the stuf like brittneyanne is posting like 'im gonna rape you' or chlaupa like 'i like to sleep wth many men' or nefarious 'you kevinsmith ened a good spanking on your behind lemme spank you' really sad and perverted forum too many cuss words too for the chilren!!!
Tihs is a death threath neffy will sew you're ass off!When we finally have sex, neffy, it won't be rape, it will be necrophilia.
or lupes is worried that nefy is waiting for him to bite the bullet so neffy can finally get some sweet bald action...Tihs is a death threath neffy will sew you're ass off!