how fast am i gonna get permabanned here...

ban speed

  • Total voters


The gimp
Nov 30, 2006
Every time we talk about a number, you find the need to bring up other numbers. That's because you actually can't refute my number, but feel the need to somehow rationalize your position. I'm not arguing against you that there are risks in everything, because that is actually my point. However, you keep missing my point, so I keep telling you:

Even if you claim the vast majority of some section of society is more responsible than the morans, accidents happen, people make stupid decisions, and the risk of death goes up, by a lot as a percentage risk. I ceded that these are small numbers, but you keep trying to tell me it's worse elsewhere...I don't give a damn. I don't.

I just want to hear a guy who keeps making the same bullshit argument of "guns keep me safer" actually accept that they don't. They don't, the stats prove it. They aren't factoids, like somehow you claiming that negates the truth. That is the reality of the situation -- even good, smart, law-abiding people have ended up dead, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose, solely because of the presence of guns.

Keep in mind I'm pro-gun, but I'm not delusional about them somehow making me and my family safer. Being pro-knife or -pool or -jet ski or -whatever isn't because they make us safer, it's because they are cool and we like them. Same thing with guns.

Just say it. Just admit that the truth of the matter is that you just like guns, everything else you've brought up is tangential to the discussion, and being "prepared" and "guns keeping us safer" are just not true.

If you can do that, I can readily cede, again, that the numbers are small.

Deal? Because I'm not going to budge from my position that there are truths in this world like vaccines don't cause autism, organized religion causes more harm than good, and guns create a more dangerous environment by their very existence. I will also not budge from my position that everyone has a right to own guns, worship, and be retarded and not vaccinate their children. But I get to call bullshit on all three.
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Ninja Wizard
Mar 3, 2003
The truth of the matter is that there were only around 600 unintentional fatalities involving firearms in 2011. Record keeping of this statistic began in 1903 and has been decreasing ever since (due to the decrease in guns per household? Who knows? Who cares?). You said that risks go up with everything involving guns, but actually, you are far more likely to be injured playing a a random sport such as football or volleyball than you are hunting. And I can pull up that statistic if you want it. And I feel like a dipshit even talking about such little factoid numbers, but you seem to like to jerk off to this kind of stuff.

Everything I've said more than eliminates the little factoid problem you are concerned about, and that is being a safe, responsible and law abiding gun owner, and MOST OF US ARE. Therefore the problem has already been eliminated within the lives of the HUGE majority. That includes me and my family. Therefore, only the benefits are left. Some asshole using a gun to kill his family doesn't apply to me, personally. Yet, the statistics must include people like him.

It's the irresponsible, unstable, crazy element of society that happen to own guns and are using them simply because they are the most effect tool available to carry out their craziness. Again, more people per capita are butchered with knives in the UK, simply because knives are the most effective tool available where they live. There are people just like you in England who are making the same ridiculous argument that owning a knife in your home presents a greater risk of violence. Give me a fucking break, chalupa. Is this really the type of person you are? I can hear you now with an English accent talking about the presence of a knife increases the risk of violence. So what? Fuck it and move on.

Where I really run into problems with your argument is with the fact that most people are safe, law abiding gun owners. The "higher risks" you are talking can only be put into perspective by talking about a pool presenting a greater risk of drowning, and stairs in your house presenting a greater risk of falling. It's so elementary that it's not even worth a minute of discussion, and yet you are making a huge deal out of it.

It's pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that if you are in a relationship, you are more likely to be a victim of violence perpetrated by your own partner than by a stranger. And this problem goes beyond just firearms. Guns are used merely because they are the most effective tool in getting the job done. Your point?? If you lived in England, then a knife would suddenly replace the gun as the biggest risk. Your point????

Again, so elementary, chalupa. Seriously!

The fact that I have sat here with you and spent this much time going over this issue only shows that we are both fucking morons, with you being the dumbest of the two for leading us both into this discussion. Or maybe I'm the dumbest for continuing to engage in it? Seriously, tell me I'm being trolled? I'm only here because you make me horny.
Doesn't that destroy the argument as to why people need guns?

Side point, knives aren't as lethal as guns and have other uses besides killing people (or things).


Real meat/protein eating cis male
Nov 26, 2006
On a ventilator
Every time we talk about a number, you find the need to bring up other numbers. That's because you actually can't refute my number, but feel the need to somehow rationalize your position. I'm not arguing against you that there are risks in everything, because that is actually my point. However, you keep missing my point, so I keep telling you:
The difference between you and me, chalupa, is that I have been providing solutions in almost every post I've made here, and that is being safe, sane, and lawfully obedient. All you are doing is running around screaming and waving your hands and trying to equate every rational gun owner to that of some wife murdering imbecile so that you can claim that MY guns don't make me safer in my own PERSONAL situation.

In reality, those of us (and we are the majority) are sane enough to avoid the conflicts which plague a very small number of irrational, irresponsible and unstable individuals.

The statistics and numbers you are talking about put the tiny little minority of dumbasses and murderers and morons into the same equation as average, lawful, sane and rational individuals who make up the HUGE majority, and somehow that makes responsible people more dangerous? Wrong.

The only risk that these unstable people actually pose is that we have to share the same world with them, and therefore responsible people should be prepared. In other words, the risk you are concerned about is the very existence of these people! They pose a threat/danger! Be prepared.

chalupa said:
Even if you claim the vast majority of some section of society is more responsible than the morans, accidents happen, people make stupid decisions, and the risk of death goes up, by a lot as a percentage risk. I ceded that these are small numbers, but you keep trying to tell me it's worse elsewhere...I don't give a damn. I don't.
So you're only argument against what I've said is that accidents happen? I guess you could argue that your risk of an accident involving a gun increases if you own a gun, even though the number in 2011 was only around 600. But chalupa, at some point we have to rationalize here and stop throwing these little numbers around as if they're worth a damn. For crying out loud, you could argue that your risk of an accident increases even if there was only 1 accident a year involving firearms. It doesn't fucking matter, in other words.

What matters are the solutions, and that is practicing proper gun safety in these situations involving firearm accidents.

The number of violent crimes per year is actually pretty small and the risk of a violent attacker trying to murder you is almost non-existent, but the solution to this situation is being PREPARED, which is what I've been chanting our entire discussion.

But then you start to argue that practicing safety and being prepared increases other risks, which is one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard. No, risks go up for unstable people and people who don't practice proper safety measures.

That is what being safe and being prepared is all about, avoiding the risks. I speak for the majority.

chalupa said:
I just want to hear a guy who keeps making the same bullshit argument of "guns keep me safer" actually accept that they don't. They don't, the stats prove it. They aren't factoids, like somehow you claiming that negates the truth. That is the reality of the situation -- even good, smart, law-abiding people have ended up dead, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose, solely because of the presence of guns.
The presence of guns in whose hands? Someone who is unstable or not practicing proper gun safety? Some moron, perhaps? Smart people do get killed, by crazy people and morons, which is sometimes self-inflicted.

chalupa said:
Keep in mind I'm pro-gun, but I'm not delusional about them somehow making me and my family safer. Being pro-knife or -pool or -jet ski or -whatever isn't because they make us safer, it's because they are cool and we like them. Same thing with guns.
And the key to being safer is practicing safety and being prepared, and being safe while doing it. Again, safety is all about trying to avoid the risks. That goes beyond guns and to every aspect of safety practice.

chalupa said:
Just say it. Just admit that the truth of the matter is that you just like guns, everything else you've brought up is tangential to the discussion, and being "prepared" and "guns keeping us safer" are just not true.
Oh please, you know as well as I do that everything I've said is totally accurate and true. I'm beginning to think you might be one of the unstable few. Consider selling your guns and getting a mental evaluation. Quick.

chalupa said:
If you can do that, I can readily cede, again, that the numbers are small.
Nah, I prefer to be safe, rational and prepared so that I'm not like the morons you are talking about who are posing the risks.

chalupa said:
Deal? Because I'm not going to budge from my position that there are truths in this world like vaccines don't cause autism, organized religion causes more harm than good, and guns create a more dangerous environment by their very existence. I will also not budge from my position that everyone has a right to own guns, worship, and be retarded and not vaccinate their children. But I get to call bullshit on all three.
No deal. Ultimately, your argument goes against the grain of safety and preparedness. For fuck's sake, you are arguing that being prepared is actually a bad thing. Who the hell does that??

Again, seek mental evaluation. You might be one of the few.

Nocturnal said:
Doesn't that destroy the argument as to why people need guns?

Side point, knives aren't as lethal as guns and have other uses besides killing people (or things).
So violent people exist and therefore we shouldn't be prepared? Great.

And when did you figure out that a gun is more lethal than a knife? Good one, you even pointed out that a gun can be used to kill other things..... like animals..... Wow! I'm impressed. You're showing improvement.

Fero-Gradumet said:
Guns are for faggots. Totally serious.
Real men use crossbows.
Many hunters that own guns also own crossbows. I can't think of many crossbow owners who don't also own a gun. :p
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Chalupa's Son
Oct 1, 2007
The scary thing is that you have zero understanding how reality works.
pot calling bettle plack you fucking idiot you haven o idea how the world works epseically since your a bald faggot short small penis and nO LIFE 30000 POSTS ON A DEAD FORUM LMAO get a fucking LIFE FAGGOT BALDY SHIT SHATIN


Real meat/protein eating cis male
Nov 26, 2006
On a ventilator
I know, right? I was beginning to question chalupa's sanity, but after the stark realizations you just brought to the table concerning his bizarre obsession with this dead forum, there's definitely no doubt left in my mind.

Sell your guns, chalupa. Seek immediate psychological help before you inflict harm upon yourself and/or others.


Chalupa's Son
Oct 1, 2007
Chalupa is a lonely dumb fuck 390000 posts and nothing to show for it accept shame and baldness chalupa I got a gun for you right here big boy come polish it biych


Chalupa's Son
Oct 1, 2007
big matt your cool and you own guns and you fought in the marines so your okay chalupa on the otherhand is a bal little shit who has never shot a gun never pucnedh a man in the face never even drank down a shot of whiskey without using a straw hes a fucking wimp loser who needs to hang around his dads gold foucse gaddying for older gay men because chalupa us gay


Real meat/protein eating cis male
Nov 26, 2006
On a ventilator
Wow, what a surprise. Now here comes matt to remind us that he is ebaum's most loyal cocksucker and brown noser. Wonder if he sucked out any money yet.


Real meat/protein eating cis male
Nov 26, 2006
On a ventilator
How many licks does it take to reach the center of ebaum's nut, the world may never know.. and matt isn't telling.

Seriously, ebaum has to be one of the blackest niggers ever. At first he was like "hey guyz lets go to my new web site becuse i got paid millions 4 the old one and now it sucks". And I'm pretty sure ebaum is totally illiterate because every post I've ever seen by him looks completely fabricated and constructed using google translate.

And I just looked at the main page (for the first time ever), and it's been like 4 months since he even posted a video, all of which were hot on YouTube like 2 years ago. Is this the paradise that was promised to his loyal followers?


Mexican and fabulous
Mar 27, 2003
Fire Island
How many licks does it take to reach the center of ebaum's nut, the world may never know.. and matt isn't telling.

Seriously, ebaum has to be one of the blackest niggers ever. At first he was like "hey guyz lets go to my new web site becuse i got paid millions 4 the old one and now it sucks". And I'm pretty sure ebaum is totally illiterate because every post I've ever seen by him looks completely fabricated and constructed using google translate.

And I just looked at the main page (for the first time ever), and it's been like 4 months since he even posted a video, all of which were hot on YouTube like 2 years ago. Is this the paradise that was promised to his loyal followers?
You sure post a lot here for someone who seems to despise this place so much. But i think we've been over that, and you just had some silly reply about killing time here.

Well, that's why we're all here, to pass the time.

You really try too hard man.


Real meat/protein eating cis male
Nov 26, 2006
On a ventilator
You sure post a lot here for someone who seems to despise this place so much. But i think we've been over that, and you just had some silly reply about killing time here.

Well, that's why we're all here, to pass the time.

You really try too hard man.
Yeah, we're all here to kill the time. Soooo..

I don't have to try hard, the words just flow.